Andaman part 5 History and end of Andamans stories

A not to be missed place for a history seeker in Andamans. You step on Ross Island and the island transport you to the history of Andaman and Nicobar with history dances around you as if all characters from history comes alive in real life and tries to narrate you a story.

Ross island from ferry

Nomad’s Nomadism brush with history and conclusion of Andman’s diaries with an promise to come back again in few months… 

Depleted buildings, Deers, Rabbits and Peacocks roaming fiercely is Ross Island is left now apart from history

With Long Island to Havelock, my Andman’s backpacking trip ended and Mumbai was calling. Though objective of securing Dive Master’s job was failed, but I had a satisfaction of exploring Andamans. I wanted to travel beyond North, to Nicobar Islands, but reaching there is slightly difficult and requires special permissions. Unless you have some arrangements with defense authorities or you know someone in Nicobar, its difficult to get a permit to visit. Having said that, you can visit till Indira Point which is in Car Nicobar. Another thing is, you require to travel by boat for about 24 hours or by helicopter and cost is about Rs.10,000 with a long waiting list for tourists.

From Havelock, moved to Port Blair by Government ferry very early next day. Still had one whole day in hand. Checked in one of the smaller lodge as I was planning to just sleep for few hours to catch early morning flight next day.

Ross Island with its new name and legacy

While travelling or in real life, surprises crop up very often. Some are good and some are bad. Its upto you how to benefit from these surprises. I am talking about the surprise of a lodge which I booked. Met the owner of that lodge by accident. There was none at the counter and I was received by an elderly (elder than me J) gentleman and he happened to be the owner. As usual my exquisiteness crept in and asked him some questions for sightseeing close by which could have been attempted in 7/8 hours. The owner happened to be from UP and retired educational secretary from A & N administration. I like to talk a lot and he was my guru as the information from him was an encyclopedia of A & N. He kept on talking and I kept listening raptly. Finally, after two hours of a wealth of information, I could dissect and made my plan for the day.

Big question is, roots are holding walls or vice a versa?
Trees are peeping out from doors and windows

Visit Ross Island to witness it’s Sound and Light show. I could have also visited Cellular jail infamous for ‘Kala Paani’ or a prison for those freedom fighters who are not to be bought back. A well known name amongst them was V.D. Sawarkar or known as Swantantraveer (Freedom Fighter) Sawarkar. When one visits this cellular jail which is in refurbished avatar and witness the various punishments innovated by British Officers and soldiers for freedom fighters are on display. This evaporates thought of Great Britain as a country of sophistication and well manners. One cannot resist to compare these punishments with the imaginative punishments of Hell. There is a sound light show every evening, you shouldn’t miss that. Also places of interests are Museum which has A & N’s history. In my last trip, I had done that, so decided to go for another island visit i.e. Ross Island which is right across Port Blair.  

Still some constructions could withhold themselves
If these walls could speak, they would have poured their heart out

This is another Ross Island and not Digglipur one. Named after Capt. Ross. Just like Joshi surname is so common in Pune, Ross was during those days… This island alongwith Port Blair has a history of British rule and it’s built colony for it’s armed force to stay on these islands and to detain Freedom fighters from mainland and their torture. This island had also witnessed rise and fall of Japanese army in this subcontinent during second world war. Though this island is infamous for British Raaj, but recently this island came in limelight during Tsunami. Just because of this island, half of the Port Blair was saved. Ross Island took a hit and defused the devastating Tsunami. Otherwise Port Blair would have suffered a lot. 

There are so many depilated buildings and now those are surrounded by tree routes gives an interesting formation for photographers. Authorities have set hoards of deers, peacocks and rabbits free on this island to make it a tourists’ attraction.

Though the tourist guides and tourist companies downplays, sound and light show of this island in compare to Cellular Jail show, but for me it was an interesting peep in the history. I went to island twice in a span of 5 hours, once to see the island and secondly to witness it’s sound and light show. This is something tourism authorities should avoid and save tourists’ money. In one visit, tourist should be able to finish the sightseeing and the show. With the last boat after show reaches you to Port Blair’s Water Sports enclave, returned to Port Blair.

This was my last day at A & N. I was leaving with so many memories and loved this part of Incredible India so much.

With the sunset, it’s time to say bye to Andamans with a promise to visit again

Next day boarded flight back to Mumbai with a promise of returning back and spending a season here, if I get a job with a true spirit of Nomad who is always sniffing out new lands settling there for awhile and moving on to explore new pastures.

        With this ends my last part of Andaman stories from Nomad’s Nomadism.

There are some notes in part 1 and part 4.

Explore and experience my other blogs on Andaman’s exoticism through my view and lens…

Links of other blogs:

Nomad says, ‘Every nomad has a big bag full of stories like Santa clause’s bagful of gifts. Santa distributes gifts only once a year. Nomad doesn’t require time, place or reason to open his bag. Just tickle his memories a flow of stories flows without any hurdle.

All quotes about Nomadism are not by any famous Nomad, but by Nomadic Monk i.e. me…. 

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